The following topics are covered in this article:
Skill-Building Modules are a collection of assignable NoRedInk activities that address a particular writing or grammar skill. They enable teachers to provide students with targeted content easily. Modules can include several different NRI assignment types, such as:
- Tutorials
- Practice topics
- Quick Writes, Guided Essays and Short Responses
- Quizzes
- Passages
Modules cover the same skill areas currently addressed by pathway Topics, but in a more focused way!
Accessing a Skill-Building Module
To access a Skill-Building Module, follow these steps:
- Select Browse & Assign at the top of your Dashboard.
- Select Skill Building.
- On the next page, you'll be able to browse all of the skills that are available or choose a particular category that you'd like students to focus on. You can also view these categories on the left-hand sidebar on the following page if you change your mind!
- Select the module that you'd like to assign to open it.
Using Skill-Building Modules
Each module has a learning objective, which is shown on the page. All the different assignment types in the Skill-Building Module are hand-picked to provide targeted instruction to help students achieve mastery of the skill. A module might also recommend prerequisite skills to take into account before assigning any activities. These will be shown alongside the module's learning objective.
A module is structured around four sequential instructional phases:
- Teach
- Practice
- Apply & Assess
- Extend
Assigning and Sharing Activities in Skill-Building Modules
You can assign or share any of the activities shown in a Skill-Building Module.
Assign a Practice topic
Select one or more of the topics shown under Practice that you'd like to assign. Select Assign Practice, which will open the existing assignment form and allow you to choose dates, classes to assign, type an assignment name, and assign the topic.
Assign a writing assignment
Select the Assign arrow button, which will open the existing Quick Write, Guided Essay, or Short Response assignment form.
Assign a Quiz or Passage
Select the Assign arrow button, which will open the existing Quiz or Passage assignment form.
Viewing Student Data
When a student completes an activity assigned from a Skill-Building Module, their performance is tracked in the current Grades and Mastery reports. Module assignment grades appear in the Grades report, and progress made toward mastery of a given topic will be reflected in the Mastery report.
Skill-Building Module-assigned and pathway-assigned activities both contribute to these two reports. At this time, there isn't currently a module-specific report that might convey performance on a particular module.
Module-assigned activities will all appear in the My Assignments report, where you can click on Practice topics, writing assignments, and Quizzes/Passages assigned from a Module and view student performance.