Writing Portfolios are not visible within Canvas or Schoology. Students will need to click the NoRedInk drop-down at the top of their screen and select Student Portfolio. This will open NoRedInk in a new tab and students can then follow the instructions below.
When students log in to their NoRedInk account, they'll see a new green circle next to their Quiz Average titled "# of Portfolio Pieces." This green circle shows the number of submissions currently saved in the student's Portfolio
- Click the green circle to open the Portfolio.
A student's Portfolio lists all of the student's writing submissions in a grid view. Each Portfolio submission (card) displays:
- The submission title
- A preview of the writing
- A star for featuring pieces students are especially proud of
- A tooltip revealing the assignment name, type, and due date
Students can publish and un-publish their work at any time by clicking the ellipsis at the top right corner on a Portfolio card!
Students can click on a card to see the submission's full text. Portfolio writing submissions display in a modal showing only the text and a View More button.
- Clicking the View More button from the Portfolio writing submission modal will open the submission's original assignment view.
This assignment view is already accessible by clicking Past Work and shows all the scores, grades, and comments saved by the teacher for each submitted draft of the assignment.