๐ Interested in using the Canvas integration at your Premium school or district? Contact our team or your Customer Success Manager for more information!
NoRedInk activities currently supported in Canvas:
Accessing NoRedInk as an External Tool in Canvas
NoRedInk should be added as an External Tool inside Canvas, which should be done by an administrator in Canvas.
To begin creating a NoRedInk assignment from Canvas, click the "+ Assignment" button while viewing a Course to be taken to the assignment form.
From here, choose "External tool" as the Submission type, then click "Find" and choose NoRedInk.
๐กWant to learn more about accessing External Tools in Canvas? Click here for more Canvas instructions.
Connecting Canvas to your NoRedInk account
The first time you access NoRedInk from Canvas, you'll be asked to link Canvas to an existing NoRedInk account. You can sign in to your NoRedInk account using an email address and password or Google SSO directly from Canvas.
Use an existing NoRedInk account
If you are already logged in to your NoRedInk account, you will see a welcome screen in Canvas that looks like the image below. To proceed with connecting your account with Canvas, click "Yes, use this account.
If you are not yet logged in to your NoRedInk account, you will be able to log in directly from Canvas.
Depending on how your account was set up, you can log in using an email address or username and a password, log in with an account already linked with Google, or log in with an account already linked with Clever.
Note: Clever rostering will be disabled when teachers log in through Canvas using an existing Clever-linked NoRedInk account. You will be able to continue using Clever single sign-on to log in, but rostering will be done through Canvas.
Create a new NoRedInk account
If you do not yet have a NoRedInk account, you can click the "Sign up as a teacher" button on the Welcome screen to create a new account.
On the next screen, choose how you would like to sign up.
To link your account with Google or Clever to use single sign-on, select one of these options. Follow the prompts on the next screen to log in to your Google or Clever account.
Alternatively, you can create your own username and password to use for logging in.
Select your school
When you get to the welcome screen below, select one of the options provided. If you accidentally select something by accident, click the "edit" button that appears to go back a step.
Complete the steps that follow by entering information about your school or company. Teachers in a K-12 school in the US will be able to search for their school by name, ZIP, or city using the search field provided. If you do not see your school listed, click "My school isn't coming up" to manually enter the information.
Activating Premium
As long as the NoRedInk account you are using is associated with your Premium school, you should automatically have access to Premium content at the start of the school year.
If you receive a message that your account is not currently using Premium, you'll need to enter your school's Premium code. You can retrieve this code from your school or department technology administrator, then enter it in the field shown below. After this, click "Activate Premium" to confirm.
Note: Setting a number of "Allowed Attempts" in Canvas will have no effect on NoRedInk assignments. NoRedInk itself limits students' attempts and those limits are not registered within Canvas. See "How NoRedInk scores student work" for more details on how assignment submissions and grading work in NoRedInk.
Setting assignment details
When you've finished customizing your assignment in NoRedInk, you can click "Return to Canvas" from the pop-up window. This will allow you to finish adding assignment details such as point value, start date, and end date.
Note: Until you've saved your assignment in Canvas (details below), your assignment won't yet be available to students.
From Canvas, you can finish adding assignment details, including a name, description, start date, due date, and point value. You'll also be able to select which classes to give this assignment. When finished, click "Save" to save the assignment or "Save & Publish" to send it to your class(es).
- Why are students missing from NoRedInk Class or Results Page?
- How do my Canvas courses and sections get imported into NoRedInk?
- How do the grades sync over from NoRedInk to Canvas?
- Can we use Google SSO or Clever SSO to log in to NoRedInk through Canvas?
- Why am I viewing another teacher's NoRedInk account in Canvas (co-teacher)?
- How can I share NoRedInk assignments with other teachers in Canvas?
- How can I preview NoRedInk assignments as a student in Canvas?
- How do I delete my assignment?
Where to find help in Canvas
For questions about Canvas, click "Help" from the left-hand panel.
For questions about activities in NoRedInk, you can click "Help & Info" from the top of your page while creating or viewing an assignment.