How does NoRedInk integrate with Clever?
Note: Clever integration including automatic course and roster syncing is currently available for Premium users only. To learn more about NoRedInk Premium, click here.
NoRedInk and Clever Secure Sync’s integration makes class management easy for Premium users. Using up-to-date information from your SIS (Student Information System), classes will be automatically created and teachers’ rosters updated regularly.
- Teachers’ classes are automatically created in NoRedInk once teachers log in to NoRedInk via Clever.
- Class rosters are regularly synced to reflect enrollment adjustments.
- Students are automatically enrolled in the correct class(es) on NoRedInk once they log in to NoRedInk via Clever.
How do I integrate Clever Secure Sync for NoRedInk at my school or district?
Follow these quick steps to connect your school or district with NoRedInk on Clever for Premium Users.
- After uploading your rosters to your SIS, navigate to NoRedInk on the Clever App Gallery
- Click Install now and request to share data with NoRedInk
To learn more about data sharing click here
- Notify your NoRedInk Customer Success Manager. Once we have approved the request to connect, you’ll receive an email notification from Clever.
That’s it! Your school or district’s Clever integration with NoRedInk is now set up. Your teachers’ classes will automatically be created. Students will also be auto-enrolled in the correct classes when they log in via your Clever portal.
How will Clever Secure Sync impact teachers and students on NoRedInk?
- Teachers and students can create their NoRedInk accounts by logging in to your school or district’s unique Clever Portal and clicking the NoRedInk app.
We recommend sharing this guidewith your teachers as a best practice!
- If teachers and/or students already have NoRedInk accounts, we recommend they link their accounts with Clever using these step-by-step instructionsto avoid duplicate accounts and possible data loss.
- If teachers have already manually created classes, we recommend they archive the classes that are not Clever-synced to avoid duplicates. Teachers can identify which classes are synced to Clever on the “Manage Classes” page to help with this!
Who can I contact if I have questions about Clever and NoRedInk?
Additional Resources