Now that your students have submitted their Guided Essay or Short Response, it's time to view and grade their submissions! Let's take a look at how you can grade your students' submissions.
To view and grade your students’ submissions on a Guided Essay or Short Response, you can follow these steps:
- Navigate to the "My Assignments" page.
- Next to the assignment, select the "View Writing icon."
While you can select a student's name to see their current writing progress, you can only comment on or grade writing that has been submitted.
- Select "Grade" next to a draft under Ready for Grading.
- Use the comment box on the side to leave general feedback or comment on specific rubric criteria.
Additionally, you can also highlight specific parts of students’ writing to leave targeted in-line feedback.
❗The ability to highlight student writing to leave in-line feedback is currently only available for Guided Essays.
If the assignment had a source attached for students to reference, you can also view any annotations, highlights, and comments that students left while they were working!
- Select the "Prompts and Sources" tab next to Submission to view their annotations.
The overall score for the assignment will be calculated based on how you grade each rubric item, but you can manually override the grade when necessary by selecting the pencil icon next to the grade.
- Once you're done, you can select "Post grades and comments" and then "Return to Student" to share the final grade and results with the student. This will close the assignment for the student and they will be unable to continue working on their writing.
💡 Does a draft need a bit of revision before you give a final grade? Check out this article to learn how to send a draft back for revision!
Additional Resources
- Tell me about NoRedInk Guided Essays!
- What pre-writing materials can I use to prepare my students for a Guided Essay?