NoRedInk Integration Capabilities
The following comparison chart will review supported NoRedInk integrations and their features.
NoRedInk (NRI) offers several integrations with existing platforms that provide for the enhancement of NRI functionalities. NRI offers integrations for both our free users and premium subscribers. The chart below is a high-level summary of each integration and its associated functionality. A more detailed summary of the functionality of each feature can be found on the integration-specific page. The definition of each integration feature can be found below.
Requires NoRedInk Premium: This integration and associated functionality require a premium license subscription with NoRedInk.
Signup/Login: This is how a user can create an account with NoRedInk and access the account.
Class Roster Creation: Roster creation is the integration process of sending NoRedInk the necessary information to create a class along with a roster within NoRedInk.
Class Roster Management: Roster management is the process of an integration managing the roster. Characteristics of roster management include the addition or removal of a student from the roster that was created during the roster creation process.
Gradebook Sync: This feature is whether or not NoRedInk integrates with the sources Gradebook to pass assignment information and grades back to the Gradebook
Demographic Data Syncing: This feature is whether or not the integration provides demographic data to NoRedInk
Student Grade Level Concept: This feature is whether or not the integration has the concept of a student belonging to a specific grade level and if that information is shared with NoRedInk.
Co-Teacher Support: Does the integration feature provide for co-teacher data to be passed to NoRedInk