NoRedInk (NRI) offers several integrations with existing platforms that provide for the enhancement of NRI functionalities. NRI offers integrations for both our free users and premium subscribers. The chart below is a high-level summary of each integration and its associated functionality. A more detailed summary of the functionality of each feature can be found on the integration-specific page. The definition of each integration feature can be found below.
Requires NoRedInk Premium: This integration and associated functionality require a premium license subscription with NoRedInk.
Signup/Login: This is how a user can create an account with NoRedInk and access the account.
Roster Creation: This is the process by which rosters are created in NoRedInk with the integration
Roster Management: This is how rosters are managed when using the integration.
Gradebook Sync: This feature is whether or not NoRedInk integrates with the sources Gradebook to pass assignment information and grades back to the Gradebook
Demographic Data Syncing: This feature is whether or not the integration provides demographic data to NoRedInk
Student Grade Level Concept: This feature is whether or not the integration has the concept of a student belonging to a specific grade level and if that information is shared with NoRedInk.
Co-Teacher Support: Does the integration feature provide for co-teacher data to be passed to NoRedInk
Integration Feature | Process |
NoRedInk Premium Required | Yes |
Signup/Login to NoRedInk | From Schoology |
Roster Creation | Automatic*1 |
Roster Management/(Process) | Additions/(Manual*2) - See Note |
Gradebook Sync | Yes*3 |
Demographic Data Syncing | No |
Student Grade Level Concept | No |
Student Grade Level Syncing | No |
Co-Teacher Support | Yes (Automatic) |
*1 - Roster creation in NoRedInk using our Schoology integration is a two-step process, with both steps needing to be completed for a student to be rostered. The first step requires the teacher to create an assignment via Schoology utilizing the external tool option and assign the assignment in Schoology. The second step requires the student to access the assignment via Schoology to become rostered in NoRedInk.
Depending on the setup within Schoology and how that data is sent to NoRedInk, the teacher who creates an assignment and has a student access the assignment first becomes the "Primary" teacher for that course. All subsequent teachers in that course become the secondary teacher and must utilize Co-Teaching within NoRedInk to see their rosters.
*2 - Our integration with Schoology only adds students to a roster in NoRedInk and does not remove students if they are no longer enrolled in that course/section. The student can be removed manually via NoRedInk only after the due date of any open assignments the student was assigned has passed. If you remove the student from the roster with an assignment they were assigned to still open, they will reappear on the roster when the next assignment is created.
*3 - Our integration with Schoology supports passing the grade for an assignment completed via the integration to the Schoology grade book. The following help document outlines the supported assignment types and when and how the grade is sent to Schoology.